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Answers to a Melchizedek Distinction Question, Part 2

Writer's picture: Isaac GarvinIsaac Garvin

Updated: Feb 27, 2022

Isaac and Rebekah Garvin | January 06, 2022 | Shvil HaBaruch, The Blessed Path

As you recall, a week ago I was asked, “How does knowing we are priests in the Melchizedek order change what I do in my walk with Elohim?”

Like I said before, it’s a great question and I’m sure that some of you have had the same question. In this email I’ll be sharing our second point. Take some time this week to contemplate this point and ask the Ruach ha’Kodesh to help you apply it to your walk. As I said before, there is more to each of these answers that deserves to be expanded on. But I think there is plenty here to think about as it is. These ideas can be found in just about everything we at TM produce, as you will notice if you are looking for it (and have been given eyes to see.) The Melchizedek distinction permeates pretty much every aspect of our ministry.

NUMBER TWO: It’s a compass to guide you, helping you know what to go towards and what to stay away from.

Understanding the Melchizedek Order and what the work of Ye’shua actually accomplished will help His priests and priestesses know what to go towards –– and what to stay away from.

It will guide you into knowing who to tune out and what people, teachings, places and activities you should stay away from. It’s more likely that with this Melchizedek Priesthood knowledge and its job description (that we talked about in the last email) you won’t get caught in the weeds. Or in other words, you won’t get lost in the minefield of people’s opinions about Torah and what they (mere mortals) want you to look like and do. Neither will you operate like a she-camel in heat, endlessly pursuing the latest and newest teacher, book, prophecy, calendar, day reckoning, or YouTube channel. To the outsider you won’t look like you are whoring around trying to find a new YouTube influencer to save you with the right knowledge (which often leads to worship or idolization of the wrong person.)

On top of all this, you will actually feel empowered to LEAVE poisonous assemblies which are not good places for your heart. Why will you do that? Because continually taking care of your NEW heart is a crucial component to having the Melchizedek Covenant Law written on it and the Ruach ha’Kodesh living in it. It’s Her work on your new heart and the New Covenant (Contract) provided for through the work of our High Priest in the Melchizedek Order that makes you part of His Royal (Melchizedek) Priesthood and qualified to operate in the job description ..........we talked about in last weeks email. This said, taking care of the temple of YHVH, your heart and body will be of utmost importance to anyone operating in this order, it will be your compass to guide you away from things that destroy or harm the temple, your NEW heart.

Knowing you are a priest or priestess in the Melchizedek order will keep you from pursuing subjects, prophecies and laws that tickle your ears. You’ll stay away from those things and lean into simply what YHVH and Ye’shua said –– dividing the word of Truth properly with the help of the Ruach ha’Kodesh and let that be good enough. Anyone who doesn’t simply help to clarify what Elohim said, anyone who doesn’t seek to divide the Word properly or who says more than what the Scriptures say –– you are empowered to stay away from them and not feel obliged to hear “their side-of-the-story” or their misguided theology. Of course, this takes some experience and maturity, but trust us –– it will come.

Knowing you are a priest or priestess in the Melchizedek Order will help your allegiance be pure. You will turn away from “God and Country” and turn toward “King Ye’shua and His Millennial Kingdom.” This distinction will help to guide you away from the dangerous pull to “save your country” and fight for a sort of “freedom” that is simply bestowed by the hands of mere men who do wickedly and rule over each other. Instead, you will spend your energy not only looking forward to Ye’shua’s coming Millennial Melchizedek Government and Administration, but will begin to see yourself as operating in it now, bringing His will to Earth with the choices you make and the things you set your hands to do (as we talked about in the last email).

Also, this Melchizedek distinction will help you stay OUT of the two ditches of Christianity and rabbinics. You’ll stay away from them and keep your focus on the Narrow Path BETWEEN them. For example, you won’t be delving into all the nonsense that the Messianics go into because they’re not acknowledging Ye’shua as their High Priest in the Melchizedek Order. They can’t reconcile this change in Priesthoods that is clearly taught in Hebrews, Galatians and Colossians with their forever Levitical narrative. They haven’t divided the Word of Truth properly, neither have they thrown off the heavy yoke of that inferior imposed-due-to-transgressions Levitical law and its 613, its Rabbinical hierarchy with its man-made parasha, and its mandated tzitzit wearing-because-they-didn’t-have-the-Ruach-ha’Kodesh-yet. Plus, as far as the other ditch goes, you won’t ever go back to a Christian church again. You’ll be able to see that you should not travel even the slightest bit anymore on that wide path to destruction––no longer will you go there to witness to your family and friends or simply for fellowship yourself. Instead you’ll choose to be set apart for Yah in the most extreme way because the Path is a most extremely Narrow Path to walk. Do you see how this Priesthood understanding will close the door on all of this helping you know what to go toward and what to stay away from?

Knowing you are a priest or priestess in the Melchizedek Order is a compass to guide you away from the ditches and their traps and onto the Narrow Path –– the ONE WAY –– Ye’shua, our Melchizedek High Priest and King!

Blessed be the Journey,


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