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What the Scriptures says about Passover or Pesach

Writer's picture: HadassahHadassah


1) The people of Israel started out from Rameses. It was the 15th day of the first month. It was the day after the Passover Feast. They marched out boldly in plain sight of all of the Egyptians.

Numbers 33:13

2) Remember that you were slaves in Egypt. Yahovah your Yahweh set you free. That’s why I’m giving you this command today.

Deuteronomy 15:15

3) I prayed to him. “ Yahovah and king,” I said, “don’t destroy your people. They belong to you. You set them free by your great power. You used your mighty hand to bring them out of Egypt.

Deuteronomy 9:26

4) Yahovah wrote on the tablets what he had written before. It was the Ten Commandments. He had announced them to you out of the fire on the mountain. It was on the day you had gathered together there. So Yahovah gave the tablets to me.

Deuteronomy 10:4

5) They didn’t see the miraculous signs and the other things he did in Egypt. They didn’t see what he did to pharaoh, the king of Egypt, and to his whole country. They weren’t there when he destroyed the army of Egypt and it’s horses and chariots. Yahovah swept the waters of the Red Sea over the Egyptians while they were chasing you. He wiped them out forever.

Deuteronomy 11:3-4

6) That prophet or dreamer must be put to death. He told you not to obey Yahovah your Yahweh. Yahovah brought you out of Egypt. He set ups free from the land where you were slaves. He commanded you to live the way he wants you to. But that prophet or dreamer has tried to make you turn away from it. Get rid of that evil person.

Deuteronomy 13:5

7) If he does, tell him, “ we were pharaoh’s slaves in Egypt. But Yahovah used his mighty hand to bring us out of Egypt. With our own eyes we saw Yahovah send miraculous signs and wonders. They were great and terrible. He sent them on Egypt and pharaoh and everyone in his house.

Deuteronomy 6:21-22

8) But be careful that you don’t forget Yahovah. Remember that he brought you out of Egypt. That’s the land where you were slaves.

Deuteronomy 6:12

9) I am Yahovah your Yahweh, I brought you out of Egypt. That is the land where you were slaves.

Deuteronomy 5:6

10) Celebrate the Passover feast of Yahovah your Elohim in the month of Abib. In that month he brought you out of Egypt at night. Sacrifice and animal from your flock or herd. It is the Passover sacrifice in honor of Yahovah your Elohim. Sacrifice it at the special place Yahovah will choose. He will put his name there.

Deuteronomy 16:1

11) Remember what Yahovah your Yahweh did to Miriam on your way out of Egypt.

Deuteronomy 24:9

12) Remember that you were slaves in Egypt. Remember that Yahovah your Yahweh set you free from there. That’s why I’m commanding you to do those things.

Deuteronomy 24:18

13) “ But the people of Egypt treated us badly. They made us suffer. They made us work very hard. Then we cried out to Yahovah. He is Yahovah of our people who lived long ago. He heard our voice. He saw how much we were suffering. The Egyptians were crashing us. They were making us work very hard. “So Yahovah reached out his mighty hand and powerful arm and brought us out of Egypt. He did great and wonderful things. He did miraculous signs and wonders. He brought us to this place. He gave us this land. It’s a land that has plenty of milk and honey.

Deuteronomy 26:6-9

14) Look down from the holy place where you live in heaven. Bless your people Israel. Bless the land you have given us. It’s the land you promised with an oath to give to our fathers. It’s a land that has plenty of milk and honey

Deuteronomy 26:15

15) Write all of the words of this law on them. Do it when you have crossed over into the land Yahovah your Yahweh is giving you. It’s a land that has plenty of milk and honey. Yahovah is the Elohim of your fathers. He promised you that you would enter the land.

Deuteronomy 27:3

16) I sent for all of the Israelites. Here is what I said to them. With your own eyes you have seen everything Yahovah did in Egypt to Pharaoh. You have seen what he did to all of Pharaoh’s officials and to his whole land. With your own eyes you saw Yahovah really made them suffer. You saw his miraculous signs and great wonders.

Deuteronomy 29:2-3

17) He led you through the desert for 40 years. Durning that time your clothes didn’t wear out. The sandals on your feet didn’t wear out either. You didn’t eat any bread. You didn’t drink any kind of wine. Yahovah did all of those things because he wanted you to know that he is Yahovah your Yahweh.

Deuteronomy 29:5-6

18) Moses did many miraculous signs and wonders. Yahovah had sent him to do them in Egypt. Moses did them against Pharaoh, against all of his officials and against his whole land.

Deuteronomy 34:11

19) Yahovah spoke to Moses in the desert of sinai. It was the first month of the second year after the people came out of Egypt. He said. “ Tell the people of Israel to celebrate the Passover Feast. Have them do it at the appointed time. Celebrate it when the sun goes down on the 14th day of this month. Obey all of it’s rules and laws.” So Moses told the people of Israel to celebrate the Passover Feast. They did it in the desert of Sinai. They celebrated it when the sun went down on the 14th day of the first month. The people of Israel did everything just as Yahovah had commanded Moses. But some of them couldn’t celebrate the Passover Feast on that day. That’s because they weren’t “clean.”

Numbers 9:1-6

20) “ Tell the people of Israel, ’Suppose any of you or your children are not “clean.” Because you have gone near a dead body. Or suppose you are away on a journey. You can still celebrate Yahovah’s Passover. “ ‘I want you to celebrate it on the 14th day of the second month. You have to do it when the sun goes down. You have to eat the lamb together with bread that is made without yeast. Eat it with bitter plants. Do not leave any of it until morning. Do not break any of it’s bones. When you celebrate the passover feast, follow all of the rules. “ ‘But suppose a man is “clean.” He is not on a journey. And he fails to celebrate the Passover Feast. Then he must be cut off from the community of Israel. He did not bring Yahovah’s offering at the appointed time. He will be punished for his sin. “ ‘What is there is an outsider living among you? And what if he wants to celebrate Yahovah’s Passover? Then he must obey it’s rules and laws. You must have the same laws for outsiders as you do for the people of Israel.’ ”

Numbers 9:10-14

21) “ ‘ Yahovah’s Passover Feast must be held on the 14th day of the first month. On the 15th day of the month there must be a feast. For seven days eat bread that is made without yeast. On the first day come together for a special service. Do not do any regular work.

Numbers 28:16-18

22) “ Prepare everything in addition to the regular morning burnt offering. Prepare the food in that way for the offering that is made with fire. Do it every day for seven days. The offering will give a small that is pleasant to Yahovah. You must prepare the offering in addition to the regular burnt offering and it’s drink offering. “ ‘On the seventh day come together for a special service. Do not do any regular work.

Numbers 28:23-25

23) The people of Israel started out from Rameses. It was the 15th day of the first month. It was the day after the Passover Feast. They marched out badly in plain sight of all of the Egyptians.

Numbers 33:3

24) Long ago Yahovah opened a way for his people to go through the Red Sea. He made a path through the mighty waters. He caused Egypt to send out it’s chariots and horses. He sent it’s entire army to it’s death. It’s soldiers lay down there. They never got up again. They were destroyed. They were blown out like a dimly burning flame. But Yahovah says.

Isaiah 43:16-17

25) “ ‘Here are my appointed feasts. Tell the people that they must come together for these sacred feasts at their appointed times. My Passover beings when the sun goes down on the 14th day of the first month. “ ‘My feast of Unleavened Bread beings on the 15th day of that month. For seven days you must eat bread that is made without yeast. On the first day you must come together for a special service. Do not do any regular work on that day. On each of the seven days bring an offering that is made to me with fire. On the seventh day come together for a special service. Do not do any regular work on that day.’ ”

Leviticus 23:4-8

26) Those who had returned from Babylonia celebrated the Passover Feast. It was on the 14th day of the first month.

Ezra 6:19

27) For seven days they celebrated the feast of Unleavened Bread with joy. That’s because Yahovah had filled them with joy. They were glad because he had changed the mind of the king of Persia. So the king had helped them with the work on the house of the Yahweh of Israel.

Ezra 6:22

28) The Passover and the feast of Unleavened Bread were only two days away. The chief priests and the teachers of the law were looking for a clever way to arrest Yeshua. They wanted to kill him.

Mark 14:1

29) The feast of Unleavened Bread, called the Passover, was near.

Luke 22:1

30) It was almost time for the jewish Passover Feast. So Yeshua went up to Jerusalem.

John 2:13

31) Meanwhile, he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Feast. Many people saw the miraculous signs he was doing. And they believed in his name.

John 2:23

32) Because of his faith he left Egypt. It wasn’t because he was afraid of the kings anger. He didn’t let anything stop him. He saw the one who can’t be seen. Because of his faith he was the first to keep the Passover Feast. He commanded the people of Israel to sprinkle the blood on their doorways. He did it so that the destroying angel would not touch their oldest sons. The people had faith. So they passed through the Red Sea. They went through it as if were dry land. The Egyptians tried to do it also. But they drowned.

Hebrews 11:27-29

33) Yeshua finished saying all these things. Then he said to his disciples, “As you know, the Passover Feast is two days away. The son of man will be handed over to be nailed to a cross.”

Matthew 26:1-2

34) Get rid of the old yeast. Be like a new batch of dough without yeast. That is what you really are, because Yeshua has been offered up for us. He is our Passover lamb.

1st Corinthians 5:7

35) It was just before the Passover Feast. Yeshua knew that the time had come for him to leave this world. It was time for him to go to the father. Yeshua loved his disciples who were in the world. So he now showed them how much he really loved them.

John 13:1

36) The people of Israel celebrated the Passover Feast. They observed it on the evening of the 14th day of the month. They did it while they were camped at Gilgal on the flatlands around Jericho. The day after the passover, they ate some of the food that was grown in the land. On that very day they ate grain that had been cooked. They also ate bread that was made without yeast. The manna stopped coming down the day after they are the food that was grown in the land. The people of Israel didn’t have manna anymore. Instead, that year they ate food that was grown in Canaan.

Joshua 5:10-12

37) Hezekiah sent a message to all of the people of Israel and Judah. He also wrote letters to the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh. He invited everyone to come to Yahovah’s temple in Jerusalem. He wanted them to celebrate the Passover Feast in honor of Yahovah. He is Yahovah of Israel. The king, his officials and the whole community in Jerusalem decided to celebrate the Passover in the second month.

2nd Chronicles 30:1-2

38) They decided to sent a message all through Israel. It was sent out from Beersheba all the way to Dan. The message invited the people to come to Jerusalem. It invited them to celebrate the Passover in honor of Yahovah, Elohim of Israel. The Passover hadn’t been done in keeping with what was written in the law.

2nd Chronicles 30:5

39) A very large crowd of people gathered together in Jerusalem. They went there to celebrate the feast of Unleavened Bread. It took place in the second month.

2nd Chronicles 30:13

40) They killed the Passover lamb on the 14th day of the second month. The priests and Levites were filled with shame. They set themselves apart to Yahovah. They brought burnt offerings to his temple.

2nd Chronicles 30:15

41) Many people in the crowd hadn’t set themselves apart to Yahovah. They weren’t “clean.” They couldn’t set their lambs apart to him. So the Levites had to kill the Passover lambs for all of them.

2nd Chronicles 30:17

42) Kill the Passover lambs. Set yourselves apart to Yahovah. Prepare the lambs for your people. Do what Yahovah commanded through Moses.”

2nd Chronicles 35:6

43) As for you, turn around. Start out toward the desert. Go along the road that leads to the Red Sea.’ ”

Deuteronomy 1:40

44) So at that time the entire service in honor of Yahovah was carried out. The Passover Feast was celebrated. The burnt offerings were sacrificed on Yahovah’s altar. That’s what king Josiah had ordered. The people of Israel who were there celebrated the Passover at that time. They observed the Feast of Unleavened Bread for seven days. The Passover hadn’t been observed like that in Israel since the days of the prophet Samuel. None of the kings of Israel had ever celebrated a Passover like Josiah’s. He celebrated it with the priests and Levites. All of the people of Judah and Israel were there along with the people of Jerusalem. That Passover Feast was celebrated in the 18th year of Josiah’s rule.

2nd Chronicles 35:16-19

45) At one time you were dead in your sins. Your sinful nature was not circumcised. But Yahovah gave you new life together with Yeshua. He forgave us all of our sins.

Colossians 2:13

46) The chief priests and our rulers handed Yeshua over to be sentenced to death. They nailed him to a cross.

Luke 24:20

47) Here are the names of Israel’s children who went to Egypt with Jacob. Each one went with his family. Jacob’s sons were Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Benjamin, Dan, Naphtali, Gad and Asher. The total number of Jacob’s children and Grandchildern was 70. Joseph was already in Egypt. Joseph and all of his brothers died. So did all of their children. The people of Israel had many children. They greatly increased their numbers. There were so many of them that they filled the land. Then a new king came to power in Egypt. He didn’t know anything Joseph. “Look,” he said to his people. “The Israelites are far too many for us. Come. We must deal with them carefully. If we don’t, they will increase their numbers even more. Then if war breaks out, they’ll join our enemies. They’ll fight against us a leave the country.” So the Egyptians put slave drivers over the people of Israel. The slave drivers beat them down and made them work hard. The Israelites built the cities of Pithom and Rameses so Pharaoh could store things there.

Exodus 1:1-11

48) But the more the slave drivers beat them down, the more the Israelites increased their numbers and spread out. So the Egyptians became afraid of them. They made them work hard. They didn’t show them any pity. They made them suffer with hard labor. They forced them to work with bricks and mud. And they made them do all kinds of work in the fields. The Egyptians didn’t show them any pity at all. They made them work very hard. There were two women named Shiphrah and Puah. They helped other women who were having babies. The king of Egypt spoke to them. He said, “ you are the ones who help the other Hebrew women. Watch them when they get into a sitting position to have their babies. Kill the boys. Let the girls live.” But Shiphrah and Puah had respect for Yahovah. They didn’t do what the king of Egypt had told them to do. They let the boys live.

Exodus 1:12-17

49) Then the king of Egypt sent for the women. He asked them, “ why have you done this? Why have you let the boys live?” The women answered pharaoh, “ Hebrew women are not like the women of Egypt. They are strong. They have their babies before we get there.” So Yahovah was kind to Shiphrah and Puah. And the people of Israel increased their numbers more and more. Shiphrah and Puah had respect for Yahovah. So he gave them family’s of their own. Then pharaoh gave an order to all of his people. He said, “you must throw every baby boy into the Nile River. But let every baby girl live.”

Exodus 1:18-22

50) A man and a woman from the tribe of Levi got married. She became pregnant and had a son by him. She saw that her baby was a fine child. So she hid him for three months. After that, she couldn’t hide him any longer. So she got a basket that was made out of the stems of tall grass. She coated it with tar. Then she placed the child in it. She put the basket in the tall grass that grew along the bank of the Nile River. The child’s sister wasn’t very far away. She wanted to see what would happened to him.

Exodus 2:1-4

51) Pharaoh’s daughter went down to the Nile River to take a bath. Her attendants were walking along the bank of the river. She saw the basket in the tall grass. So she sent her female slave to get it. When she opened it, she saw the baby. He was crying. She felt sorry for him. This is one of the Hebrew babies, she said. Then his sister spoke to pharaoh’s daughter. She asked, “ do you want me to go and get one of the Hebrew women? She could nurse the baby for you.” “Yes. Go,” she answered. So the girl went and got the baby’s mother. Pharaoh’s daughter said to her, “ take this baby. Nurse him for me. I’ll pay you.” So the woman took the baby and nursed him. When the child grew older, she took him to pharaoh’s daughter. And he became her son. She named him Moses. She said, “ I pulled him out of the water.”

Exodus 2:5-10

52) Moses grew up. One day, he went out to where his own people were. He watched them while they were hard at work. He saw an Egyptian hitting a Hebrew man. The man was one of Moses’ own people. Moses looked around and didn’t see anyone. So he killed the Egyptian. Then he hid his body in the sand. The next day Moses went out again. He saw two Hebrew men fighting. He asked the one who had started the fight a question. He said, “Why are you hitting another Hebrew man?”

The man said, “Who made you ruler and judge over us? Are you thinking about killing me as you killed the Egyptian?” Then Moses became afraid. He thought, “People must have heard about what I did.”

Exodus 2:11-14

53) When Pharaoh heard about what had happened, he tried to kill Moses. But Moses escaped from Pharaoh and went to live in Midian. There he sat down by a well. A priest of Midian had seven daughters. They came to fill the stone tubs with water. They wanted to give water to their father’s flock. Some shepherds came along and drove the women away. But Moses got up and helped them. Then he gave water to their flock. The young women returned to their father Reuel. He asked them, “Why have you returned so early today?”

Exodus 2:15-18

54) They answered, “An Egyptian saved us from the shepherds. He even got water for us and gave it to the flock.” “Where is he?” He asked his daughters. “Why did you leave him? Invite him to have something to eat.” Moses agreed to stay with the man. And the man gave his daughter Zipporah to Moses to be his wife. Zipporah had a son by him. Moses named him Gershom. Moses said, “I’m an outsider in a strange land.” After a long time, the king of Egypt died. The people of Israel groaned because they were slaves. They also cried out to Yahovah. Their cry for help went up to him. Yahovah heard their groans. He remembered his covenant with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob. So Yahovah looked on the Israelites with favor. He was concerned about them.

Exodus 2:19-25

55) Moses was taking care of the flock of his father-in-law Jethro. Jethro was the priest of Midian. Moses led the flock to the western side of the desert. He came to Horeb. It was the mountain of Yahovah. There the angel of Yahovah appeared to him from inside a burning bush. Moses saw that the bush was on fire. But it didn’t burn up. So Moses thought, “I’ll go over and see this strange sight. Why doesn’t the bush burn up?” Yahovah saw that Moses had gone over to look. So Yahovah spoke to him from inside the bush. He called out, “Moses! Moses!” “Here I am,” Moses said. “Do not come any closer,” Yahovah said. “Take off your sandals. The place you are standing on is holy ground.”

Exodus 3:1-5

56) He continued, “I am Yahovah of your father. I am Yahweh of Abraham. I am the Elohim of Isaac. And I am Yahovah of Jacob.” When Moses heard that, he turned his face away. He was afraid to look at Yahovah. Yahovah said, “ I have seen my people suffer in Egypt. I have heard them cry out because of their slave drivers. I am concerned about their suffering. “So I have come down to save them from the Egyptians. I will bring them up out of that land. I will bring them into a good land. It has a lot of room. It is a land that has plenty of milk and honey. It is the home of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites. “And now Israel’s cry for help has reached me. I have seen the way the Egyptians are beating them down.

Exodus 3:6-9

57) So now, go I am sending you to Pharaoh. I want you to bring the Israelites out of Egypt. They are my people.” But Moses spoke to Yahovah. “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh?” he said. “Who am I that I should bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” Yahovah said. “ I will be with you. I will give you miraculous sign. It will prove that I have sent you. When you have brought the people out of Egypt, all of you will worship me on this mountain.” Moses said to Yahovah, “Suppose I go to the people of Israel. Suppose I say to them, ‘Yahovah of your fathers has sent me to you.’ Suppose they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what should I tell them?”

Exodus 3:10-13

58) Yahovah said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. Here is what you must say to the Israelites. Tell them ‘I AM has sent me to you.’ ” Yahovah also said to Moses, “ Say to the Israelites, ‘Yahovah is the Elohim of your fathers. He has sent me to you. He is Yahovah of Abraham. He is the Elohim of Isaac. And he is the Yahweh of Jacob.’ My name will always be Yahovha. Remember me by that name for all time to come. “ Go. Gather the elders of Israel together. Say to them, ‘Yahovah of your fathers, appeared to me. He is the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. “ ‘He said, “ I have watched over you. I have seen what the Egyptians have done to you.

Exodus 3:14-16

59) I have promised to bring you up out of Egypt where you are suffering. I will bring you into the land of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites. It is a land that has plenty of milk and honey.” ’ “The elders of Israel will listen to you. Then you and the elders must go to the king of Egypt. You must say to him , ‘Yahovah has met with us. He is Yahovah of the hebrews. Let us take a journey that lasts about three days. We want to go into the desert to offer sacrifices to Yahovah our Elohim.’ “But I know that the king of Egypt will not let you and your people go. Only a mighty hand could make him do that.

Exodus 3:17-19

60) So I will reach my hand out. I will strike the Egyptians with all kinds of miracles. After that, he will let you go. “ I will cause the Egyptians to treat you in a kind way. Then when you leave, you will not go out with your hands empty. Every woman should ask her neighbor and any woman living in her house for articles made out of sliver and gold. Ask them for clothes too. Put them on your children. in that way, you will take the wealth of Egypt along with you.”

Exodus 3:20-22

61) Moses answered, “What if the elders of Israel won’t believe me? What if they won’t listen to me? Suppose they say, ‘Yahovah didn’t appear to you.’ Then what should I do?” Yahovah said to him, “What do you have in your hand?” “A wooden staff,” he said. Yahovah said, “Throw it on the ground.” So Moses threw it on the ground. It turned into a snake. He ran away from it. Then Yahovah said to Moses, “Reach your hand out. Take the snake by the tail.” So he reached out and grabbed hold of the snake. It turned back into a staff in his hand.

Exodus 4:1-4

62) Yahovah said, “When they see this miraculous sign, they will believe that I appeared to you. I am Yahovah of their father’s. I am Yahovah of Abraham. I am Yahovah of Isaac. And I am Yahovah of Jacob.” Then Yahovah said, “Put your hand inside your coat.” So Moses put his hand inside his coat. When he took it out, it was as white as snow. It was covered with a skin disease.

Exodus 4:5-6

63) “Now put it back into your coat,” Yahovah said. So Moses put his hand back into his coat. When he took it out, the skin was heathly again. His hand was like the rest of his skin. Then Yahovah said, “Suppose they do not believe you or pay attention to the first miracle. Then maybe they will believe the second one. “But suppose they do not believe either miracle. Suppose they will not listen to you. Then get some water from the Nile River. Pour it on the dry ground. The water you take from the river will turn to blood on the ground.”

Exodus 4:7-9

64) Moses spoke to Yahovah. He said, “ Yahovah, I’ve never been a good speaker. And I haven’t gotten any better since you spoke to me. I don’t speak very well at all.” Yahovah said to him, “Who makes a man able to talk? Who makes him unable to hear or speak? Who makes him able to see? Who makes him blind? It is I, Yahovah. Now go. I will help you speak. I will teach you what to say.”

Exodus 4:10-12

65) But Moses said, “ Yahovah, please send someone else to do it.” Then Yahovah’s anger burned against Moses. He said, “What about your brother, Aaron the levite? I know he can speak well. He is already on his way to meet you. He will be glad to see you. Speak to him. Put your words in his mouth. Tell him what to say. I will help both of you speak. I will teach you what to do. He will speak to the people for you. He will be like your mouth. And you will be like Yahovah to him.

Exodus 4:13-16

66) “But take this wooden staff in your hand. You will be able to do miraculous signs with it.” Then Moses went back to his father-in-law Jethro. He said to him, “Let me go back to my own people in Egypt. I want to see if any of them are still alive.” Jethro said, “Go. I hope everything goes well with you.” Yahovah had said to Moses in Midian, “Go back to Egypt. All of the men who wanted to kill you are dead.”

Exodus 4:17-19

67) Yahovah said to Aaron, “Go into the desert to see Moses.” So he greeted Moses at the mountain of Yahovah and kissed him. Then Moses told Aaron everything Yahovah had sent him to say. He also told him about all of the miraculous signs he had commanded him to do. Moses and Aaron gathered all of the elders of Israel together. Aaron told them everything Yahovah had said to Moses. He also did the miracles in sight of the people. And they believed. They heard that Yahovah was concerned about them. He had seen their suffering. So they bowed down and worshiped him.

Exodus 4:27-31

68) Later on, Moses and Aaron went to pharaoh. They said, “Yahovah is the Elohim of Israel. He says, ‘Let my people go. Then they will able to hold a feast in my honor in the desert.’ ”Pharaoh said, “Who is Yahovah? Why should I obey him? Why should I let Israel go? I don’t even know Yahovah. And I won’t let Israel go.” Then Moses and Aaron said, “Yahovah of the hebrews has met with us. Now let us take a journey that lasts about three days. We want to go into the desert to offer sacrifices to Yahovah our Yahweh. If we don’t, he might strike us with plagues. Or he might let us be killed with swords.”

Exodus 5:1-3

69) But the king of Egypt said, “Moses and Aaron, why are you taking the people away from their work? Get back to work!” Pharaoh continued, “There are large numbers of your people in the land. But you are stopping them from working.” That same day Pharaoh gave orders to the slave drivers and the others who were in charge of the people. He said, “Don’t give the people any more straw to make bricks. Let them go and get their own straw.

Exodus 5:4-7

70) But require them to make the same number of bricks as before. Don’t lower the number they have to make. They don’t want to work. That’s why they are crying out, ‘Let us go. We want to offer sacrifices to our Yahovah. Make them work harder. Then they will be too busy to pay attention to lies.” The slave drivers and the others who were in charge left . They said to the people, “Pharaoh says, ‘I won’t give you any more straw. Go and get your own straw anywhere you can find it. But you still have to make the same number of bricks.’ ” So the people scattered all over Egypt. They went to gather any pieces of straw that were left in the fields.

The slave drivers kept making the people work hard. They said, “Finish the work you are required to do each day. Make the same number of bricks you made when you had straw.”

Exodus 5:8-13

71) They whipped the Israelites who were in charge of the people. Those Israelites had been appointed by Pharaoh’s slave drivers. The slave drivers asked, “Why didn’t you make the same number of bricks yesterday or today, just as before?” Then the Israelites who were in charge of the people made their appeal to Pharaoh. They asked, “Why have you treated us like this? You didn’t give us any straw. But you told us, ‘Make bricks!’ We are being whipped. But it’s the fault of your own people.” Pharaoh said, “You just don’t want to work! That’s why you keep saying, ‘Let us go. We want to offer sacrifices to Yahovah.’ Now get to work. We won’t give you any straw. But you still have to make the same number of bricks.”

Exodus 5:14-18

72) The Israelites who were in charge of the people realized they were in trouble. They knew it when they were told, “ Don’t lower the number of bricks you are required to make each day.” When they left Pharaoh, they found Moses and Aaron waiting to meet them. They said to Moses and Aaron , “We want Yahovah to look at what you have done! We want him to judge you for it! We are like a very bad smell to Pharaoh and his officials. You have given them an excuse to kill us with their swords.” Moses returned to Yahovah. He said to him, “Yahovah, why have you brought trouble on these people? Is this why you sent me? I went to Pharaoh to speak to him in your name. Ever since then, he has brought nothing but trouble on these people. And you haven’t saved your people at all.”

Exodus 5:19-23

73) Then Yahovah spoke to Moses. He said, “Now you will see what I will do to Pharaoh. Because of my powerful hand, he will let the people of Israel go. Because of my mighty hand, he will drive them out of his country.” Yahovah continued, “ I am Yahovah. I appeared to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as the mighty Yahovah. But I did not show them the full meaning of my name, Yahovah. “I also made my covenant with them. I promised to give them the land of Canaan. That is where they lived as outsiders.

Exodus 6:1-4

74) Also, I have heard the groans of the Israelites. The Egyptians are keeping them as slaves. But I have remembered my covenant. “So tell the people of Israel, ‘I am Yahovah. I will throw off the heavy load the Egyptians have put on your shoulders. I will set you free from being slaves to them. I will reach out my arm and save you with mighty acts when I judge Egypt. “ ‘I will take you to be my own people. I will be your Yahovah. You will know that I am Yahovah your Elohim when I throw off the load the Egyptians have put on your shoulders.

Exodus 6:5-7

75) “ ‘I will bring you to the land I promised with an oath to give to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I lifted up my hand and promised it to them. The land will belong to you. I am Yahovah.’ ” Moses reported those things to the Israelites. But they didn’t listen to him. That’s because they had lost all hope and had to work very hard. Then Yahovah said to Moses, “Go. Tell Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, to let the people of Israel leave his country.” But Moses spoke to Yahovah. “The people won’t listen to me,” he said. “So why would Pharaoh listen to me? After all, I don’t speak very well.”

Exodus 6:8-12

76) Yahovah had spoken to Moses in Egypt. He had told him, “ I am Yahovah. Tell Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, everything I tell you.” But Moses said to Yahovah, “I don’t speak very well. So why would Pharaoh listen to me?”

Exodus 6:28-30

77) Then Yahovah said to Moses, “I have made you like Yahovah to Pharaoh. And your brother Aaron will be like a prophet to you. You must say everything I command you to say. Then your brother Aaron must tell Pharaoh to let the people of Israel leave his country. “But I will make Pharaoh’s heart stubborn. I will multiply my miraculous signs and wonders in Egypt. In spite of that, he will not listen to you. So I will use my powerful hand against Egypt. When I judge them with mighty acts. I will bring my people Israel out like an army on the march. “Then the Egyptians will know that I am Yahovah. I will reach out my powerful hand against Egypt. I will bring the people of Israel out of it.” Moses and Aaron did exactly as Yahovah had commanded them. Moses was 80 years old and Aaron was 83 when they spoke to Pharaoh.

Exodus 7:1-7

78) Yahovah spoke to Moses and Aaron. He said, “ Pharaoh will say to you, ‘Do a miracle.’ When he does, speak to Aaron. Tell him, ’Take your wooden staff and throw it down in front of Pharaoh.’ It will turn into a snake.” So Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh. They did exactly as Yahovah had commanded them. Aaron threw his staff down in front of Pharaoh and his officials. It turned into a snake. Then Pharaoh sent for wise men and those who do evil magic. By doing their magic tricks, the Egyptians magicians did the same things Aaron had done. Each one threw his staff down. Each staff turned into a snake. But Aaron’s staff swallowed theirs up. In spite of that, Pharaoh’s heart became stubborn. He wouldn’t listen to them, just as Yahovah had said.

Exodus 7:8-13

79) Then Yahovah said to Moses, “Pharaoh’s heart is very stubborn. He refuses to let the people go. In the morning Pharaoh will go down to the water. Go and wait on the bank of the Nile River to meet him. Take in your hand the wooden staff that turned into a snake. Say to Pharaoh, ‘Yahovah, Elohim of the hebrews, has sent me to you. He says, “Let my people go. Then they will be able you have not listened.” “ ‘Yahovah says, “Here is how you will know that I am Yahovah. I will strike the water of the Nile River with the staff that is in my hand. The river will turn into blood. The fish in the river will die. The river will stink. The Egyptians will not be able to drink its water.” ’ ”

Exodus 7:14-18

80) Yahovah said to Moses, “Tell Aaron, ‘Get your staff. Reach your hand out over the waters of Egypt. The streams, waterways, ponds and all of the lakes will turn into blood. There will be blood everywhere in Egypt. It will even be in the wooden buckets and stone jars.’ ”Moses and Aaron did exactly as Yahovah had commanded them. Aaron held out his staff in front of Pharaoh and his officials. He struck the water of the Nile River. And all of the water turned into blood. The fish in the Nile died. The river smelled so bad the Egyptians couldn’t drink its water. There was blood everywhere in Egypt. But the Egyptian magicians did the same things by doing their magic tricks. So Pharaoh’s heart became stubborn. He wouldn’t listen to Moses and Aaron, just as Yahovah had said. Even that miracle didn’t change Pharaoh’s mind. In fact, he turned around and went into his palace. All of the Egyptians dug holes near the Nile River to get drinking water. They couldn’t drink water from the river. Seven days passed after Yahovah struck the Nile River.

Exodus 7:19-25

81) Then Yahovah said to Moses, “Go to Pharaoh. Tell him, ‘Yahovah says, “Let my people go. Then they will be able to worship me. “ ‘ “If you refuse to let them go, I will plague your whole country with frogs. The Nile River will be full of frogs. They will come up into your palace. You will have frogs your bedroom and on your bed. They will be in the homes of your officials and your people. They will be in your ovens and in your bread pans. The frogs will be on you, your people and all of your officials.” ’ ” Then Yahovah spoke to Moses. He said, “Tell Aaron. ‘Reach your hand out. Hold your staff over the streams, waterways and ponds. Make frogs come up on the land of Egypt.’ ” So Aaron reached his hand out over the waters of Egypt. The frogs came up and covered the land.

Exodus 8:1-6

82) But the magicians did the same things by doing their magic tricks. They also made frogs come up on the land of Egypt. Pharaoh sent for Moses and Aaron. He said to them, “Pray to Yahovah to take the frogs away from me and my people. Then I’ll let your people go to offer sacrifices to Yahovah.” Moses said to Pharaoh, “ You can have the honor of setting the time for me to pray. I will pray for you, your officials and your people. I’ll pray that the frogs will leave you and your homes. The only frogs left will be the ones in the Nile River.” “Tomorrow,” Pharaoh said. Moses replied, “It will happen just as you say. Then you will know that there is no one like Yahovah our Elohim. The frogs will leave you and your houses. They will leave your officials and your people. They will remain only in the Nile River.” Mose and Aaron left Pharaoh. Then Moses cried out to Yahovah about the frogs he had brought on Pharaoh. And Yahovah did what Moses asked. The frogs died in the houses, courtyards and fields. The Egyptians piled them up. The land smelled very bad because of them. But when Pharaoh saw that the frogs were dead, his heart became stubborn. He wouldn’t listen to Moses and Aaron, just as Yahovah had said.

Exodus 8:7-15

83) Then Yahovah spoke to Moses. He said, “Tell Aaron, ‘Reach your Wooden staff out. Strike the dust on the ground with it.’ Then all over the land of Egypt the dust will turn into Gnats.” So they did it. Aaron reached out the staff that was in his hand. He struck the dust on the ground with it. The dust all over the land of Egypt turned into gnats. They landed on people and animals alike. The magicians tried to produce gnats by doing their magic tricks. But they couldn’t. The gnats stays on people and animals alike. The magicians said to Pharaoh. “Yahovah’s powerful finger has done this.” But Pharaoh’s heart was stubborn. He wouldn’t listen, just as Yahovah had said.

Exodus 8:16-19

84) Then Yahovah spoke to Moses. He said, “Get up early in the morning. Talk to Pharaoh as he goes down to the river. Say to him, ‘Yahovah says, “Let my people go. Then they will be able to worship me. If you do not let my people go, I will send large numbers of flies. I will send them on you and your officials. I will send them on your people and into your homes. The houses of the Egyptians will be full of flies. Even the area where they live will be full of flies. “ ‘ “But on that day I will treat the area of Goshen differently from yours that is where my people live. There will not be large numbers of flies in Goshen. Then you will know that I, Yahovah, am in this land. I will treat my people differently from yours. The miraculous sign will take place tomorrow.” ’ ” So Yahovah did it. Huge numbers of flies poured into Pharaoh’s palace. They came into the homes of his officials. All over Egypt the flies destroyed the land. Then Pharaoh sent for Moses and Aaron. He said them, “Go. Offer sacrifices to your Yahovah here in the land.” But Moses said, “That wouldn’t be right. The sacrifices we offer to Yahovah our Yahweh wouldn’t be accepted by the Egyptians because of their beliefs. Suppose we offered sacrifices they couldn’t accept. Then they would throw stones at us and try to kill us.

Exodus 20-26

85) We have to take a journey that lasts about three days. We want to go into the desert to offer sacrifices to Yahovah our Elohim, exactly as he commands us.” Pharaoh said, “I will let you and your people go to offer sacrifices. You can offer them to Yahovah your Yahweh in the desert. But you must not go very far. And pray for me.” Moses replied, “As soon as I leave you, I will pray to Yahovah. Tomorrow the flies will leave you. They will also leave your officials and your people. Just be sure you don’t try to trick us again. Let the people go to offer sacrifices to Yahovah.” Then Moses left Pharaoh and prayed to Yahovah. And Yahovah did what Moses asked. The flies left Pharaoh, his officials and his people. Not one fly remained. But Pharaoh’s became stubborn that time also. He wouldn’t let the people go.

Exodus 8:27-32

86) Then Yahovah spoke to Moses. He said, “Go to Pharaoh. Tell him, ’Yahovah, the Elohim of the hebrews, says, “Let my people go. Then they will be able to worship me. Do not reuse to let them go. Do not keep holding them back. “ ‘ “If you refuse, my powerful hand will bring a terrible plague on you. I will strike your horses, donkeys, camels, cattle, sheep and goats. But I will treat Israel’s livestock differently from yours. No animal that belong to the people of Israel will die.” ’ ” Yahovah set a time for the plague. He said, “Tomorrow I will send it on the land.” So the next day Yahovah sent it. All of the livestock of the Egyptians died. But not one animal that belonged to the Israelites died. Pharaoh sent people to find out what had happened. They discovered that not even one animal that belonged to the Israelites had died. But his heart was still very stubborn. He wouldn’t let the people go.

Exodus 9:1-7

87) Then Yahovah spoke to Moses and Aaron. He said, “Take handfuls of ashes from a furnace. Have Moses toss them into the air in front of Pharaoh. The ashes will turn into fine dust all over the whole land of Egypt. Then boils will break out on people and animals all over the land. Their bodies will be covered with them.” So Moses and Aaron took ashes from a furnace and stood in front of Pharaoh. Moses tossed them into the air. Then boils broke out on people and animals alike. The bodies of all of the Egyptians were covered with boils. The magicians couldn’t stand in front of Moses because of the boils that were all over them. But Yahovah made Pharaoh’s heart stubborn. Pharaoh wouldn’t listen to Moses and Aaron, just as Yahovah had said to Moses.

Exodus 9:8-12

88) Then Yahovah spoke to Moses. He said, “Get up early morning. Go to Pharaoh and say to him, ‘Yahovah, the Elohim of the hebrews, says, “Let my people go. Then they will be able to worship me. “ ‘ “If you do not let them go, I will send the full force of my plagues against you this time. They will strike your officials and your people. Then you will know that there is no one like me in the whole earth. “ ‘ “By now I could have reached out my hand. I could have struck you and your people with a plague that would have wiped you off the earth. But I had a special reason for making you king. I decided to show you my power. I wanted my name to become known everywhere on earth. “ ‘ “But you are still against my people. You will not let them go. So at this time tomorrow I will send the worst hailstorm ever to fall on Egypt in its entire history. “ ‘ “Give an order now to bring your livestock inside to a safe place. Bring in everything that is outside. The hail will fall on all of the people and animals that are left outside. They will die.’’ ’ ” The officials of Pharaoh who had respect for what Yahovah had said obeyed him. They hurried to bring their slaves and their livestock inside. But others didn’t pay attention to what Yahovah had said. They left their slaves and livestock outside.

Exodus 9:13-21

89) Then Yahovah spoke to Moses. He said, “Reach your hand out toward the sky. Then hail will fall all over Egypt. It will beat down on people and animals alike. It will strike everything that is growing in the fields of Egypt.” Moses reached his wooden staff out toward the sky. Then Yahovah sent thunder and hail. Lightning flashed down to the ground. Yahovah rained hail on the land of Egypt. Hail fell and lightning flashed back and fourth. It was the worst storm in Egypt’s entire history. All over Egypt hail struck everything in the fields. It fell on people and animals alike. It beat down everything that was growing in the fields. It tore all of the leaves off the trees. The only place it didn’t hail was in the area of Goshen. Thats where the people of Isreal were. Then Pharaoh sent for Moses and Aaron. “This time I’ve sinned,” he said to them. “Yahovah has done wha is right. I and my people have done what is wrong.

Exodus 9:22-27

90) Pray to Yahovah, because we’ve had enough thunder and hail. I’ll let you and your people go. You don’t have to stay here any longer.” Moses replied, “When I’ve left the city, I’ll lift up my hands and pray to Yahovah. The thunder will stop. There won’t be any more hail. Then you will know that the earth belongs to Yahovah. But I know that you and your officials still don’t have any respect for Yahovah Elohim.” The barley was ripe the flax was blooming. So they were both destroyed. But the wheat and spelt weren’t destroyed. That’s because they ripen later. Then Moses left Pharaoh and went out of the city. He lifted up his hands and prayed to Yahovah. The thunder and hail stopped. The rain didn’t pour down on the land any longer. Pharaoh saw that the rain, hail and thunder had stopped. So he sinned again. He and his officials made their hearts stubborn. So Pharaoh’s heart was stubborn. He wouldn’t let the people of Isreal go, just as Yahovah had said through Moses.

Exodus 9:28-35

91) Then Yahovah said to Moses. “Go to Pharaoh. I have made his heart stubborn. I have also made the hearts of his officials stubborn so I can do my miraculous signs among them. Then you will be able to tell your children and grandchildren how hard I was on the Egyptians. You can tell them I did great miraculous among the people of Egypt. And all of you will know that I am Yahovah.” So Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh. They said to him, “Yahovah, Elohim of the hebrews, says, ‘How long will you refuse to obey me? Let my people go. Then they will be able to worship me. “ ‘If you refuse to let them go. I will bring locusts into your country tomorrow. They will cover the ground so that It can’t be seen. They will eat what little you have left after the hail. That includes every tree that is growing in your fields. They will fill your houses. They will fill your houses. They will be in the homes of all of your officials and your people. Your parents and your people before them have never seen anything like it as long as they had lived here.’ ” Then Moses turned around and left Pharaoh.

Exodus 10:1-6

92) Pharaoh’s officials said to him, “How long will this man be a trap for us? Let the people go. Then they’ll be able to worship Yahovah their Yahweh. After everything that’s happened, don’t you realize that Egypt is destroyed?” Moses and Aaron were brought back to Pharaoh. “Go. Worship Yahovah your Elohim,” he said. “But just who will be going?” Moses answered, “We’ll go with our young people and old people. We’ll go with our sons and daughters. We’ll take our flocks and herds. We are supposed to hold a feast in Yahovah’s honor.” Pharaoh said, “Yahovah will really be with all of you if I ever let you go, along with your women and children! Clearly you are planning to do something bad. No! I’ll only allow the men to go. Then all of you can worship Yahovah. After all, that’s what you have been asking for.” Then Pharaoh drove Moses and Aaron out of his sight. Yahovah said to Moses, Reach out your hand over Egypt. Locusts will cover the land. They will eat up everything that is growing in the fields. They will eat up everything that was left by the hail.”

Exodus 10:7-12

93) So Moses reached his wooden staff out over Egypt. Then Yahovah made an east wind blow across the land. It blew all that day and all night. By morning the wind had brought locusts. They came into every part of Egypt. They settled down in every area of the country in large numbers. There had never been a plague of locusts like it before. And there will never be one like it again. The locusts covered the ground until it was black. They ate up everything that was left after the hail. They ate up everything that was growing in the fields. They ate up the fruit on the trees. There was nothing green left on any tree or plant in the whole land of Egypt. Pharaoh quickly sent for Moses and Aaron. He said, “I have sinned against you. Now forgive my sin one more time. Pray to Yahovah your Yahweh to take this deadly plague away from me.” After Moses left Pharaoh, he prayed to Yahovah. Yahovah changed the wind to a very strong west wind. The wind picked up the locusts. It blew them into the Red Sea. Not even one locust was left anywhere in Egypt. But Yahovah made Pharaoh’s heart stubborn. And Pharaoh wouldn’t let the people of Israel go.

Exodus 10:13-20

94) Yahovah spoke to Moses. He said, “Reach out your hand toward the sky. Darkness will spread over Egypt. It will be so dark that people can feel it.” So Moses reached out his hand toward the sky. Then complete darkness covered Egypt for three days. No one could see anyone else or go anywhere for three days. But all of the people of Isreal had light where they livyoued. Then Pharaoh sent for Moses. He said to him, “Go. Worship Yahovah. Even your women and children can go with you. Just leave your flocks and herds behind.” But Moses said, “You must allow us to take animals to offer as sacrifices and burnt offerings to Yahovah our Yahweh. Our livestock must also go with us. We have to use some of them to worship Yahovah our Yahweh. We can’t leave even one animal behind. Until we get there, we won’t know what we are supposed to use to worship Yahovah.” But Yahovah made Pharaoh’s heart stubborn. So he wouldn’t let the people go. Pharaoh said to Moses, “Get out of my sight! Make sure you don’t some to see me again! If you do, you will die.” I’ll do just as you say,” Moses replied. “I will never come to see you again.”

Exodus 10:21-29

95) Yahovah had spoke to Moses. He had said, “I will bring one more plague on Pharaoh and on Egypt. After that, he will let you and your people go. When he does, he will drive you completely away. Tell the men and women alike to ask their neighbors for articles made out of silver and gold. Yahovah caused the Egyptians to treat the Israelites in a kind way. Pharaoh’s officials and the people had great respect for Moses. Moses said, “Yahovah says, ‘About midnight I will go through every part of Egypt. Every oldest son in Egypt will die. The oldest son of Pharaoh, who sits on the throne, will die. The oldest son of the female slave, who works at her hand mill, will die. All of the male animals that were born first to their mothers among the cattle will also die. There will be loud crying all over Egypt. It will be worse than it’s ever been before. And nothing like it will ever be heard again. “ ‘But among the people of Israel not even one dog will bark at any man or animal.’ Then you will know that Yahovah treats Egypt differently from us. “All of your officials will come and bow down to me. They will say, ‘Go, you and all of the people who follow you!’ After that, I will leave.” Moses burned with anger when he left Pharaoh. Yahovah had spoken to Moses. He had said, “Pharaoh will refuse to listen to you. So I will multiply my miracles in Egypt.” Moses and Aaron did all of those miracles in the sight of Pharaoh. But Yahovah made Pharaoh’s heart stubborn. He wouldn’t let the people of Israel go out of his country.

Exodus 11:1-10

96) He said, “From now on this month will be your first month. Each of your years will begin with it. “Speak to the whole community of Isreal. Tell them that on the tenth day of this month each man must get a lamb from his flock. A lamb should be chosen for each family and home. “Suppose there are not enough people in your family to eat a whole lamb. Then you must share some of it with your nearest neighbor. You must add up the total number of people there are. You must decide how much lamb is needed for each person. “The animals you choose must be males that are a year old. They must not have any flaws. You may choose either sheep or goats. Take care of them until the 14th day of the month. Then the whole community of Israel must kill them when the sun goes down. Take some of he blood. Put it on the sides and tops of the doorframes of the houses where you eat the lambs.

Exodus 12:1-7

97) Do not eat the meat raw or boiled in water. Instead, cook it over the fire. Cook the head, legs and inside parts. Do not leave any of It until morning. If some is left over until morning, burn it. “Eat the meat while your coat is tucked into your belt. Put your sandals on your feet. Take your walking stick in your hand. Eat the food quickly. It is Yahovah’s Passover. “That same night I will pass through Egypt. I will strike down every oldest son. I will also kill all of the male animals that were born first to their mothers. And I will judge all of the gods of Egypt. I am Yahovah. “The blood on your houses will be a sign for you. When I see the blood, I will pass over you. No deadly plague will touch you when I strike Egypt. “Always remember this day. For all time to come, you and your children after you must celebrate this day as a feast in honor of Yahovah. It is a law that will last forever.

Exodus 12:9-14

98) Then Moses sent for all of the elders of Israel. He said to them, “Go at once. Choose the animals for your families. Each family must kill a passover lamb. Get a branch of a hyssop plant. Dip it into the blood in the bowl. Put some of the bowl on the top and on both sides of the doorframe. None of you can go out the door of your house until morning. “Yahovah will go through the land to strike the Egyptians down. He’ll see the blood on the top and sides of the doorframe. He will pass over that house. He won’t let the destroying angel enter your homes to kill you. “Obey all of these directions. It’s a law for you and your children after you for all time to come. Yahovah will give you the land, just as he promised. When you enter it keep this holy day. “Your children will ask you, ‘What does this holy day mean to you?’ Tell them. ‘It’s the Passover sacrifice in honor of Yahovah. He passed over the houses of the people of Israel in Egypt. He spared our homes when he struck the Egyptians down.’ ” Then the people of Israel bowed down an worshipped. They did just what Yahovah commanded Moses and Aaron. At midnight Yahovah struck down every oldest son in Egypt. He killed the oldest son of Pharaoh, who sat on the throne. He killed all of the oldest sons of prisoners, who were in prison. He also killed all of the male animals that were born first to their mothers among the livestock. Pharaoh and all of his officials got up durning the night. So did all of the Egyptians. There was loud crying in Egypt because someone had died in every home.

Exodus 12:21-30

99) Durning the night, Pharaoh sent for Moses and Aaron. He said to them, “Get out of here! You and the Israelites, leave my people! Go. Worship Yahovah, just as you have asked. Go. Take your flocks and herds, just as you have said. And also give me your blessing.” The Egyptians begged the people of Israel to hurry up and leave the country. “If you don’t ,” they said, “ we’ll all die!” So the people took their dough before the yeast was added to it. They carried it on their shoulders in bread pans that were wrapped in clothes. They did just as Moses had directed them. They asked the Egyptians for articles that were made out of silver and gold. They also asked them for clothes. Yahovah had caused the Egyptians to treat the people of Israel in a kind way. So they gave them what they asked for. The people of Israel took many expensive things that belonged to the Egyptians. The Israelites traveled from Rameses to Succoth. There were about 6000,000 men who were old enough to go into battle. The women and children went with them. So did many other people. The Israelites also took large flocks and herds with them. They brought dough from Egypt. With it they baked bread without yeast. The dough didn’t have any yeast in it. That’s because the people had been driven out of Egypt before they had time to prepare their food. The people of Israel lived in Egypt for 430 years. At the end of the 430 years, to the very day, all of Yahovah’s people marched out of Egypt like an army. Yahovah kept watch that night to bring them out of Egypt. So on that same night every year all of the Israelites must keep watch. They must do it to honor Yahovah for all time to come.

Exodus 12:31-42

100) Yahovah spoke to Moses and Aaron. He said, “Here are the rules for the Passover. “No one from another country is allowed to eat the Passover meal. Any slave you have brought is allowed to eat it after you have circumcised him. But a hired worker or someone who lives with you for a while is not allowed to eat it. “It must be eaten inside a house. Do not take any of the bones. The whole community of Israel must celebrate the Passover. “Suppose an outsider who is living among you wants to celebrate Yahovah’s Passover. Then all of the males in that home must be circumcised. After that, the person can take part, just like and Israelite. Only males who are circumcised can eat it. “The same law applies to Israelites and to outsiders who are living among you.” All of the people of Israel did just what Yahovah had commanded Moses and Aaron. On that very day Yahovah brought the Israelites out of Egypt like an army on the march.

Exodus 12:43-51

101) There were many priests in Levi’s family line. Death kept them from continuing in office. But Yeshua lives forever. So he always holds the office of priest. People now come to Yahovah through him. And he is able to save them completely and for all time. Yeshua lives forever. He prays for them. A high priest like that meets our need. He is holy, pure and without blame. He isn’t like other people. He does not sin. He is lifted high above the heavens. He isn’t like the other high priests. They need to offer sacrifices day after day. First they bring offerings for their own sins. Then they do it for the sins of the people. But Yeshua gave one sacrifice for the sins of the people. He gave it once and for all time. He did it by offering himself. The law appoints men who are weak to be high priests. But Yahovah’s oath came after the law. The oath appointed the Son. He has been made perfect forever.

Hebrews 7:23-28

102) But Yeshua offered himself to Yahovah without any flaw. He did this through the power of the eternal Holy Spirit. So how much more will his blood wash from our minds our feelings of guilt for committing sin! Sin always leads to death. But now we can serve the living Yahovah. That’s why Yeshua is the go-between of a new covenant. Now those Elohim calls to himself will receive the eternal gift he promised. They will receive it now that Yeshua has died to save them. He died to set them free from the sins they committed under the first covenant.

Hebrews 9:14-15

103) Every year Yeshua’ parents went to Jerusalem for the Passover Feast. When he was 12 years old, they went up to the feast as usual. After the feast was over, his parents left to go back home. The boy Yeshua stayed behind in Jerusalem. But they were not aware of it.

Luke 2:41-43

104) The next day John saw Yeshua coming toward him. John said, “Look! The lamb of Yahovah! He takes away the sin of the world!

John 1:29

105) Those who had returned from Bablyonia celebrated the Passover feast. It was on the 14th day of the first month. The priests and levites had made themselves pure and clean. The levites killed the Passover lamb for everyone who had returned from Babylonia. They also did it for themselves and their relatives, the priests. So the people of Israel who had returned ate the Passover lamb. They ate it together with all those who had separated themselves from the practices of their neighbors who weren’t jews. Those practices were “unclean.” The people worshiped Yahovah. He is Elohim of Israel. For seven days they celebrated the feast of Unleavened Bread with joy. That’s because Yahovah had filled them with joy. They were glad because he had changed the mind of the king of Perisa. So the king had helped them with the work on the house of Yahovah of Israel.

Ezra 6:19-22

106) Celebrate the Passover feast of Yahovah your Yahweh in the month of Abib. In that month he brought you out of Egypt at night. Sacrifice an animal from your flock or herd. It is the Passover sacrifice in honor of Yahovah your Elohim. Sacrifice it at the special place Yahovah will choose. He will put his Name there.

Deuteronomy 16:1-2

107) Sacrifice it only in the special place he will choose for his Name. Sacrifice it there in the evening when the sun goes down. Do it on the same day every year. Be sure it’s the day you left Egypt.

Deuteronomy 16:6

108) Yahovah spoke to Moses in the desert of Sinai. It was the first month of the second year after the people came out of Egypt. He said. “Tell the people of Israel to celebrate the Passover Feast. Have them do it at the appointed time. Celebrate it when the sun goes down on the 14th day of this month. Obey all of its rules and laws.” So Moses told the people of Israel to celebrate the Passover feast. They did it in the desert of Sinai. They celebrated it when the sun went down on the 14th day of the first month. The people of Israel did everything just as Yahovah had commanded Moses. But some of them couldn’t celebrate the Passover feast on that day. That’s because they weren’t “clean.”

Numbers 9:1-6

109) “Tell the people of Israel, ’Suppose any of you and your children are not “clean” because you have gone near a dead body. Or suppose you are away on a journey. You can still celebrate Yahovah’s Passover. “ ‘I want you to celebrate it on the 14th day of the second month. You have to do it when the sun goes down. You have to eat the lamb together with bread that is made without yeast. Eat it with bitter plants. Do not leave any of it until morning. Do not break any of its bones. When you celebrate the Passover feast, follow all of the rules. “ ‘But suppose a man is “clean.” He is not on a journey. And he fails to celebrate the Passover feast. Then he must be cut off the community of Israel. He did not bring Yahovah’s offering at the appointed time. He will be punished for his sin. “ ‘What if there is an outsider living among you? And what if he wants to celebrate Yahovah’s Passover? Then he must obey its rules and laws. You must have the same laws for outsiders as you do for the people of Israel.’ ”

Numbers 9:10-14

110) “ ‘Here are my appointed feasts. Tell the people that they must come together for these sacred feasts at their appointed times. My Passover begins when the sun goes down on the 14th day of the first month.

Leviticus 23:4-5

111) By belief, he performed the Pesach (Passover) and the sprinkling of blood, lest he who destroyed the first-born should touch them. By belief, they passed through the Red Sea as by dry land, and when the Mitsrites tried it, they were drowned.

Hebrews 11:28

112) By this the love of Elohim was manifested in us, that Elohim has sent His only brought-forth Son into the world, in order that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved Elohim, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be an atoning offering for our sins.

1st John 4:9-10

113) And the children of Israel camped in Gilgal, and performed the Peasch (Passover) on the fourthteenth day of the month at the evening on the desert plains of Jericho.

Joshua 5:10

114) “Guard the new moon of Abib, and perform the Peasch (Passover) to Yehovah your Elohim, for in the new moon (month) of Abib Yehovah your Elohim brought you out of Egypt by night. “And you shall slaughter the Peasch (Passover) to Yehovah your Elohim, from the flock and the herd, in the place where Yehovah chooses to put His Name.

Deuteronomy 16:1-2

115) “You are not allowed to slaughter the Peasch within any of your gates which Yehovah your Elohim gives you, but at the place where Yehovah your Elohim chooses to make His Name dwell, there you slaughter the Peasch in the evening, at the going down of the sun, at the appointed time you came out of Mitsrayim (Egypt). And you shall roast and eat it in the place which Yehovah your Elohim chooses, and in the morning you shall turn and go to your tents.

Deuteronomy 16:5-7

116) And the king commanded all the people, saying, “Prepare the Passover to Yehovah your Elohim, as it written in this Book of the Covenant.” For such a Passover had not been prepared since the days of the rulers who ruled Israel, nor in all the days of the kings of Israel and the kings of Judah, but in the eighteenth year of King Josiah this passover was prepared before Yehovah was prepared before Yehovah in Jerusalem.

2nd Kings 23:21-23

117) He sent Moses His servant, Aaron whom He had chosen. They set among them the matters of His signs, And wonders in the land of Ham. He sent darkness, and made it dark; And they did not rebel against His word. He turned their waters into blood, And killed their fish. Their land teemed with frogs, In the rooms of their kings. and swarms of flies came, Gnats in all their borders. He gave them hail for rain, A flaming fire in their land. And He struck their vines and their fig trees, And broke the trees of their borders. He spoke, and locusts came, And larvae, innumerable, And they devoured all the plants in their ground. And they devoured the fruit of their ground. Then He struck all the first-born in the their land, The first-fruit of all their strength, And brought them out with silver and gold, And among His tribes no one faltered. Egypt was glad when they left, For the fear of them had fallen upon them. He spread a cloud for a covering, And fire to give light in the night. They asked, and He brought quail, And satisfied them with the bread of heaven. He opened the rock, and water gushed out; It ran in the dry places, a river. For He remembered His set-apart word, To Abraham His servant.

Psalms 105:26-42

114) And all the the service of Yehovah was prepared that day, to perform the Pesach and to offer ascending offerings on the slaughter-place of Yehovah, according to the command of King Yoshiyahu. And the children of Israel who were present performed the Pesach at that time, and the Festival of Matzot for seven days. There had not been a Pesach performed in Israel like it since the days of Samuel the prophet. And none of the kings of Israel had performed such a Pesach as Yoshiyahu performed, with the priests and the Levites, and all Judah and Israel who were present, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem. In the eighteenth year of the reign of Yoshiyahu this Pesach was performed.

2 Chronicles 35:16-19

115) And they rose up and removed the slaughter-places that were in Jerusalem, and they removed all the incense slaughter-places and threw them into the wadi Qidron. Then they slew the Pesach on the fourteenth day of the second new moon. And the priests and the Levites were ashamed, and set themselves apart, and brought the ascending offerings to the House of Yehovah.

2 Chronicles 30:14-15

116) And Yoshiyahu performed a Pesach to Yehovah in Jerusalem, and they slew the Pesach on the fourteenth day of the first month. And he set the priests in their duties and strengthened them for the service of the House of Yehovah, and said to the Levites who were teaching all Israel, who were set-apart to Yehovah, “Put the set-apart ark in the house which Solomon son of David, king of Israel, built. It is no longer to be a burden on your shoulders. Now serve Yehovah your Elohim and His people Israel, and prepare by the fathers’ houses, according to your divisions, by the writing of David king of Israel and by the writing of Solomon his son. “And stand in the set-apart place by the divisions of the fathers’ houses of your brothers the lay people, and the portion of the father’s house of the Levites. “And slay the Pescah, and set yourselves apart, and prepare for your brothers, to do according to the word of Yehovah by the hand of Moses.”

2 Chronicles 35:1-6

117) And all the service of Yehovah was prepared that day, to perform the Pesach and to offer ascending offerings on the slaughter-place of Yehovah, according to the command of King Yoshiyahu. And the children of Israel who were present performed the Pescah at that time, and the Festival of Matzot for seven days. There had not been a Pescah performed in Israel like it since the days of Samuel the prophet. And none of the kings of Israel had performed such a Pescah as Yoshiyahu performed, with the priests and the Levites, and all Judah and Israel who were present, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem in the eighteenth year of the rein of Yoshiyahu this Pescah was performed.

2 Chronicles 35:16-19

118) By the belief, he left Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king, for he was steadfast, as seeing Him who is invisible. By belief, he performed the Pesach and the sprinkling of blood, lest he who destroyed the first-born should touch them. By belief, they passed through the Red Sea as by dry land, and when the Mitsrites tried it, they were drowned.

Hebrews 11:27-29

119) And Yehovah said to Moses and Aaron, “This is the law of the Pesach: No son of a stranger is to eat of it, but any servant a man has brought for silver, when you have circumised him, then let him eat of it. “A sojourner and a hired servant does not eat of it. “It is eaten in one house, you are not to take any of the flesh outside the house, nor are you to break any bone of it. “All the congregation of Israel are to perform it.

Exodus 12:43-47

120) ‘For I am Yehovah who is bringing you up out of the land of Egypt, to be your Elohim. And you shall be set-apart, for I am set-apart.

Leviticus 11:45


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